As ambassador on a first level, you mainly promote High Thoughts Brand. Some examples of what actions can you take as our HT Friend Ambassador:
You invite people to like our FB page and/or visit our website.
You invite people to come to our events.
You invite people to join our FB group.
You share our posts (e.g. high thoughts, weed memes, articles, etc.).
You make posts where you promote visit of our website and social profiles, purchase of our products and writing high thoughts.
You write high thoughts on our FB group.
If you’re active on any cannabis/stoner related forums (e.g. ICMag, Grasscity, etc.), you post high thoughts on them.
You promote our brand from mouth to mouth by telling as many people as possible how awesome we are and making them aware of us.
Anything similar.
We ask you to mention (@High Thoughts) or tag us and add a #highthoughts in every post that is High Thoughts related.
As HT Friend Ambassador you also have some obligations. Namely, you must keep track of what you’re doing as our Brand Ambassador and give us monthly reports (you should submit them anytime from 1st-7th of a new month). In reports, you should clearly state what have you been doing and add a proof. Meaning, if you invited people, made a post about HT or reposted our post, you should make a screenshot of it or, for example, if you posted high thoughts on forums, you should add a link to it.
As ambassador on a second level, you still promote High Thoughts Brand, but you also contribute to our brand on an advanced level. And don’t forget, that at this stage our ambassadors get a certificate. Meaning, you really start to benefit from being our ambassador! Some examples of what actions can you take as our HT Family Ambassador:
You write daily high thoughts in our FB group.
You search for new weed memes and/or you make them yourself.
You write blogs or articles in relation to cannabis, stoners community, legalization, etc.
You proofread our articles (this only applies to native English speakers or English majors).
If you’re a vlogger, you mention HT in your vlog.
You make funny or promotional videos.
If you’re a singer, you mention HT in one of your songs or even make a theme song for HT.
You take cannabis/stoner related photos (e.g. photos of weed, people smoking, etc.), stock photos for our articles and/or promotional photos, where you present our products (e.g. t-shirts, tote bags, etc.).
You make new designs for our rolling papers, t-shirts, tote bags, coffee mugs, etc.
You create other artworks (e.g. paintings, drawings, sculptures, digital art, etc.) that conform to our brand.
You organize local events (e.g. public chillout, a celebration for 4/20, etc.).
You expand business contacts and make new business acquisitions (e.g. with a local store, that would sell HT rolling papers and/or T-shirts, tote bags, etc.).
You look for new potential Brand Ambassadors.
Anything you want, and it would contribute to HT brand.
We ask you to send us your work (such as photos, videos, designs, articles, etc.), so we can use it. It’s also welcome (but not mandatory) that you share your work (such as photos, videos, etc.) on your social profiles and mention (@High Thoughts) or tag us and, if possible, add a #highthoughts.
As HT Friend Ambassador you also have some obligations. It’s necessary that you’re in constant contact with HT team. You should keep us updated on what you’re doing and send us your work, write us if you have any new ideas how you could contribute to HT brand or how the brand could improve, any critique or questions. We’re here for you, to guide you and to help you grow together with our brand!
You no longer need to make monthly reports because you’re constantly informing us about your work. Instead of, you should make quarterly reports, where you briefly summarize your past three months. In these reports, you still need to clearly state what have you been doing, but you don’t need to prove it since the work you’ll show and send to us during these three months will serve as a proof.