The Easiest Recipe To Make Weed Brownies

Updated: November 1, 2018

Who doesn't like brownies? They're very popular pastry, not just because they're extremely good, but also because the process of preparing them is super easy. No wonder, weed brownies are a very popular decision among stoners. Learn how to make weed brownies yourself!


  • 3 eggs
  • ½ cup of cannabutter (approx. 113 g)
  • 1 ½ cup of sugar (approx. 300 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • ½ cup of all-purpose flour (approx. 64 g)
  • ⅓ cup of cocoa powder (approx. 45 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • hint of salt

The Process of Making Weed Brownies


First things first - if you don't yet have a cannabutter, learn how to make one and be sure to have it ready before you start making this weed brownies. Also, prepare a baking pan, preferably not smaller than 9x9 inches. Grease this baking pan, with either butter (the regular one, save the cannabutter for the batter), oil or with cooking spray. And preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C), so you won't need to wait for it to heat when you'll finish making the batter.

Making The Batter

Now, you can start preparing the batter for weed brownies. First, beat eggs (preferably with an electric mixer) in a bowl of any size and heat your cannabutter in a separate cookware so it melts. But be careful it won't reach boiling point! Then add sugar and vanilla to it.

In a separate bowl mix all the dry ingredients together. Then add the mixture of cannabutter, sugar, and vanilla, along with eggs into the bowl with dry ingredients. Mix so you get nice, evenly mixed batter.

If you want to make your weed brownies special, you can add mint leaves, lavender, pecans, walnuts, any other nuts, peaces of chocolate, M&Ms, etc. to the batter. There are practically no limitations.

Now pour the batter into the baking pan you prepared earlier. Put it in the oven and bake for 25-35 minutes. While you wait, you can read other blog posts or check High Thoughts social media for weed memes and high thoughts. After 20 minutes, check your weed brownies every 2-3 minutes so you won't accidentally burn them. You know they're done when edges begin to pull away from the pan.

Since you've already waited for about 30 minutes for your weed brownies to bake, it shouldn't be hard to wait another 5-10 minutes for them to cool down. You can speed up the process by placing them out of the baking pan (preferably on a wire rack). When they cool down, you just need to cut them in equal pieces and they are ready to be served.

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