The skin is our largest organ that reflects the internal health of our body. Beautiful skin is also attractive because the opposite sex associates it with health, which is the most important driving factor in choosing a partner. Due to the importance, we attach to healthy skin, a large part of the cosmetics industry is focused on finding new solutions in the field of skin problems and therapeutic skin care. Scientists around the world are paying much more attention to cannabis. The intensive researches has started a few years ago. The results are remarkable and change approaches to solving skin problems.
CBD Hemp Resin against the skin problems
In recent years, science has been paying a lot of attention to the use of cannabis to solve skin problems. The most attention is paid to the active ingredient cannabinoid CBD, which is found in hemp and cannabis resin and has a number of positive effects on the skin. It is effective for problems with acne and oily skin and scaly and dermatitic skin.
Cannabis is a novelty in the fight against acne skin
The main causes of acne are increased sebum production (sebaceous gland) in the sebaceous glands, various inflammations and excessive bacterial overgrowth of the skin. When sebaceous glands conceal too much sebum, it begins to deposit in the neck of the follicle (hair follicle), which seals and forms the ideal conditions for bacterial development. Acne, blackheads and other skin impurities are formed.
Clinical studies show that CBD cannabinoid, or cannabis resin, which is the active ingredient in industrial cannabis, decrease fat production in sebaceous glands. CBD cannabinoid also has a proven anti-inflammatory effect. Because CBD is a completely natural element and has no negative side effects, it can be applied to the skin in unlimited quantities, which is an added advantage of CBD acne skin therapy.
Cannabis cosmetics are already accessible around the world
Many cosmetics brand around the world started creating cosmetics from hemp ingredients, where particular attention is given to the CBD cannabinoid. Today there are many experts in the field of therapeutic skincare with cannabis, which have many satisfied clients around the world.
Aggressive chemical mixtures are avoided when creating recipes for creams and ointments since the latter skin dries too much and obstructs its internal stability. For the care of oily and unclean skin, they have created a hemp formula that delivers excellent results. The foundation of Hemp Cream for Oily and Unclean Skin is CBD cannabinoid, which is further enriched with a combination of some other natural ingredients.
Did you try any cosmetics items available around the world? How did you like them? Do you have any that you would like to recommend? Feel free to start the debate in the comments!