How to Clean A Bong

Updated: September 14, 2018

Are you wondering why and how to clean a bong? Bongs get dirtier with every utilization but using a dirty bong is not advisable. Especially, if the dirt has been pilling up for a long time. When bongs become really nasty, you may even notice that the flavor of cannabis is being shadowed by a pungent smell. Nevertheless, many stoners become lazy (especially after the smoking session), which makes them not willing to clean their pieces. Yet, doing so is a fast and easy procedure.

Before we begin to explain how to clean a bong, there are some important equipment’s you will need in order to fully follow these steps. These tools include salt and alcohol, small bags or containers, cotton balls, and hand towels, Q-tips or toothbrush and a constant flow of hot water. When you have all the needed equipment, you can start the cleaning process.


1. Get Rid of the Dirty Water Left in Your Bong

Bong water is usually dirty and has a pungent smell. Therefore, the first (and probably the most logical) step is to ensure to empty it before you do anything else.


2. Dismantle Your Bong

After successfully emptying the dirty bong water, you can begin detaching the bowl and the stem from the bong. Carefully detach them to avoid breakage. Your bong might have several detachable parts, so ensure you remove all, leaving behind only the native bong.


3. Clean All the Parts with Constant Flow of Hot Water

The real cleaning begins by rising all the parts with the hot water. You can decide on your preferable temperature, but the hotter the better. Just be careful you won't burn your hands.


4. Place Each Free Piece in Its Compartment

After rising, place detachable parts in a small bag or some sort of container. Remember, only detachable parts. We'll clean the core of the bong separately.


5. Add Alcohol and Salt in The Bags/Containers With Detachable Parts

Now put alcohol and salt in every bag or container with detachable parts. The amount of salt and alcohol will depend on the size of your pieces. Around a ¼ cup of alcohol and one tablespoon of salt is appropriate for smaller pieces and around ½ cup of alcohol and two tablespoons of salt for bigger pieces. But you can always add some more to make sure that it will work efficiently.


6. Shake

Shake the sealed bags/containers after adding alcohol and salt. Doing so, alcohol and salt will penetrate the smallest holes and remove the sticky residue. More you shake, faster will alcohol and salt work. Do this for at least 5 minutes. If you haven't cleaned your bong in ages, it's advisable, you leave them to rest in alcohol and salt for some more minutes and then shake them again. When you will feel like the detachable parts are clean enough, you can start cleaning the main thing.


7. Add Alcohol and Salt in Your Bong

Similar to the detachable parts, you should add alcohol and salt in your bong. Again, larger the piece, the more alcohol, and salt you will need. Add at least ½ cup of alcohol and 2-4 tablespoons of salt.


8. Cover Every Hole in Your Bong

Before shaking, you might want to cover all the holes in your bong. (Imagine a scenario where you don't.) You can do that by using hand towels, cotton balls or any appropriate tool. You can be creative here.


9. Shake It Like Your Life Depends on It

After covering all the holes with the desired tools, shake the bong to allow the alcohol and salt to penetrate every part of the bong. The longer you shake, the cleaner your bong and the better the outcome.


10. Rinse Everything Using Hot Water

After rapidly shaking your bong until you get tired, empty the mixture of alcohol and salt from your bong. Also, remove the small pieces from the bags/containers. Now, rinse everything with a constant flow of hot water. Hot water will get rid of the alcohol, salt, and any sticky resin left. If you'll still spot dirt anywhere, try using Q-tip or toothbrush to remove it.

After rinsing all the parts, keep them separate to make sure every part will dry up completely. This will also fasten the drying process.


11. Redo The Process

After doing all the steps, your bong should be clean. However, if your bong hasn't been cleaned in a while, it's possible, that following these steps once won't make your bong sparkling clean. In that case, redo the process until the bong is clean by your standards. Remember, you can also always increase the amount of alcohol and salt in your bong to facilitate the process.


After carrying out all the steps of how to clean a bong, you will realize cleaning your bong isn't such a hard and time-consuming task. And it takes even less time if you do it regularly. Also, you don’t need to buy any expensive chemicals and you will usually have all the tools needed at home. And believe me, after cleaning your bong and seeing how shiny it is you will feel extreme satisfaction.

Now that you know how to clean a bong, make sure you'll follow these steps regularly. Since taking a hit from a clean bong is always better than from a dirty one.

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