Here is a little guide for you to know if your plants are experiencing any of these.
Boron deficiency
Its a rare deficiency, but they are sign of under watering or plants being in a too dry environment. There are brown patches, with new growth being thick and abnormal.
Copper deficiency
Leaf symptoms are dark leaves with blue or purple undertones. Tips and edges of the leaves turn yellow.
Calcium deficiency
Like in our bone calcium in plants takes care of form and stability of the plant, so this is one of more important ones. Calcium deficiency shows itself with brown spots on leaves.
Iron deficiency
New leaves are yellow and old ones turn yellow from inside out.
Magnesium deficiency
Older Leaves get lower and turn yellow between the veins.
Zinc deficiency
Top leaves turn yellow and start dying.
Sulfur deficiency
Its rare deficiency where new leaves turn yellow and it's very similar to nitrogen deficiency
Potassium deficiency
depends on the plant but the symptoms are seen in older leaves look like burnt on the edges but not always, leaves on the top also. Burnt edges are have yelow spots with them.