How to germinate cannabis seeds

Updated: December 5, 2021

The first step to growing cannabis isn't just to place the seeds into the soil but to germinate them. Germination, also known as the "popping", is a process where a new plant starts to grow from the seed. So, without further ado, find out how to germinate cannabis seeds.

Easy Method

Germinating cannabis seeds is actually really simple. You'll just need to ensure two things: water and heat. For this, you'll need some paper towels, two plates (size will vary based on how many seeds you're planning on germinating) and well, of course, seeds.
Take a couple of paper towels (four will usually do just fine, however, if the paper is really thin, you might want to use more) and soak them with water. Then place them in your palm and drain the excessive water.
Take half of the wet paper towels and place them on a clean plate. Now put seeds on the wet paper towel you just placed on a plate, making sure they have enough space between them. This is crucial, otherwise, sprouts might tangle which increases the chance that you'll injure them during the transplantation. Cover them with the rest of the wet paper towels and place the second plate on them. This will create a dark, warm and humid environment, needed to germinate seeds.
Now it's time to wait.

Every now and then check if the paper towels are still wet. In case they're not, use spray to spray some water on them.


Even Easier Method 

If this sounds like too much work for you, then just take a glass (the more seeds you'll germinate, the bigger radius it should have), fill it with water and place seeds in it. Cover it with a plate and wait.
In both cases, you'll recognize that the process of germination is finished and that seeds are ready for transplantation when the seeds will split and a single sprout will appear.
It's that simple.
Happy growing! ðŸŒ±
You might also want to read about when it's the best time to plant cannabis outdoors.

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