How To Make Cannabutter

Updated: October 7, 2018

Cannabutter is basically a butter infused with weed. In order to make it, we must first extract THC from the cannabis and infuse it in butter's fat. Sound like real science, right? Even if it may sound like it, the process of how to make cannabutter is really simple and you'll become a pro at making it really fast. Don't hesitate anymore and find out how to make cannabutter below.


  • ½ to 1 ounce of cannabis (approx. 14-28 g)
  • 1 pound of butter (approx. 450 g)
  • 2 cups of water (approx. 5 dl)


The amount of cannabis you'll need to make cannabutter depends on the quality and THC potency of the cannabis you'll use. Also, it depends on your wishes about how potent you want your cannabutter to be. If you don't want to overdo it, edibles dosage calculation can help.

Also, the amount of water can vary, depending on the size of the pot you'll be using. You'll need to add as many cups of water to ensure that the bottom of the pot is at least 2 inches (5 cm) covered with water. By doing so, you'll help avoid burning marijuana.


  • baking sheet
  • pot appropriate size
  • cheesecloth
  • paper towel
  • heat-resistant container
  • jar to store cannabutter


The Process of Making Cannabutter


The first step in the process of making cannabutter is decarboxylation of cannabis. In this step, you activate THC. To do so, grind cannabis and then place it on a baking sheet and bake it in the oven at 240 F (115° C) for 30 to 40 minutes. Don't forget to mix cannabis or to shake tray every 10 minutes to ensure that your weed bakes evenly. At this point, you're probably already very excited about making your first cannabutter, but be patient. Roll yourself one and check some high thoughts and weed memes on our social media, while you wait for cannabis to cool down (wait for at least 10-15 minutes).

Cooking Method

Now the real "work" begins. Place butter and water into the pot and heat them just below the boiling point, then add cannabis and reduce heat to low. Now cook this mixture for 3-5 hours. The more you cook it for the more completely the THC will be separated into the butter. Be careful the temperature stays under the boiling point and never exceeds 200 F (93 ℃) and don't forget to stir it at least every hour. You can also include extra warm water anytime if necessary.

Once the butter is done cooking it's time to extract the weed from the mixture of water and butter by pouring it through the strainer and cheesecloth into the bowl. When there's nothing left in your pot, grab the cheesecloth and squeeze out the what's left in it.

Now we need to wait for our cannabutter to cool down. When it does, put it in the fridge and wait for the butter to solidify and rise on the top of the water (it will probably take a couple of hours).

When cannabutter will solidify, remove water. Use a knife and slide it around the edges to separate cannabutter from the bowl. Now place the bowl upside down on your working surface and the cannabutter should fall out of the bowl. You can use paper towels to remove water drops left on the cannabutter. Transfer it to an appropriate storage container and put in the refrigerator.


And voila, your cannabutter is ready to use! Now you can start making pasta, burgers, eggs, cake pops, cookies, brownies or anything your heart desires. Don't forget to share your dish with us by taking a picture of it or by sharing your recipe. Bon Appetit!


Do you prefer cooking with cannabis oil? There are numerous simple recipes using cannabis oil

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