Cannabis is becoming increasingly popular as a recreational and medicinal drug, and with that popularity comes an ever-growing selection of cannabis brands. With so many options, it can be difficult to know which brands are the best. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 cannabis brands. These […]
The life span of a cannabis seed can range from six months to ten years, depending on how the seed has been stored. Ideal conditions for storing seeds are in a closed bag or container in a cool, dark and dry place. How to extend their lifespan? On the recommendation of some experts, if you […]
Hemp tea is one of the oldest and also the most effective medicinal preparations. There is a big amount of evidence that cannabis tea has been used for thousands of years in various parts of the world to treat and alleviate problems. Let's look at how tea was used by some of the oldest civilizations […]
Medical cannabis has great therapeutic potential that we have not yet harnessed, so Europe will be the next cannabis legally on the path to legalizing cannabis, experts say. But the question remains what arrangement would be best for the old continent. Europe is slowly but steadily and in part opening up to the legalization of […]
We wish every one happy and successful 2020. Because it is the new year, we definetly need cannabis cup! We have not been on one since last year. So where is the next cannabis cup and should you go (that is not even really a question - ofcourse you should go!). The Bright Side Festival […]
Many reggae music lovers can now be found in the Balkans. Every now and then we hear it on national television, radio, festivals and local clubs and restaurants. The fact is that the demand for Jamaican music began with the arrival of the first records of Afro-Caribbean music in the Balkan capitals in the late […]
The law on marijuana legalization came into force in Canada last year, making it the first major Western state to allow and regulate the use of marijuana for recreational purposes. The measure has already been welcomed by weed enthusiasts but has also been criticized by some health experts (or experts claim to be). The Premier […]
Studies show that cannabis can affect your sleep in many ways. When we can't sleep, we reach out to the our best friend - joint. It is no surprise that research shows that THC is an effective aid to sleep. In addition to helping with average insomnia, cannabis can help treat sleep disorders associated with […]
Overwork, financial problems, instability in a partnership, illness and all your little fears that cause you a state of being "shaken" when someone just mentions it - STRESS! Stress is a natural defense of the body against danger as it is flooded with the hormones cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine, leading to faster breathing, increased heart […]
We are proud to become one of the top 100 cannabis-related blogs in the world wide web. It is really an honor, and we are planning to become top 10 cannabis blogs in the world. In the future, we are hoping to get more writers and self-motivated people that want to bring the best growing […]