Cannabis Culture

It began in 2007 as a collection of forum posts on novel strains, and after a few phenotypes, it quickly grew into a vast database of knowledge. We decided to radically reposition ourselves in 2021, simplifying the categories and revising articles to make them as clear and relevant as practicable. We hope you find it entertaining.
July 25, 2019
Popular names for marihuana

Now that we are in the internet world, we have a lot more different names for marihuana. In this article, we will write about the ones that are mostly used in forums, social media, etc. If you got any other marihuana name, that you and your friends are using it, write about it in comments […]

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May 2, 2019
Ultimate Tips on Where to Hide Weed While Traveling

Are you a stoner and you're planning on going on a trip? Regardless of your destination, you would probably like to take your stash with you but don’t know where to hide it. Therefore, we present to you 4 ultimate tips on where to hide weed while traveling that will always work. If you're traveling […]

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April 25, 2019
What are Orange Hairs on Cannabis Plant?

You ever wondered what those orange hairs on cannabis are? Are they indicators that your buds are highly potent, or do they have any other important role? Let us find out. Cannabis Vaginas Well, first things first. Those orange, red, or brown hairs on the cannabis plant are called pistils or stigmas. But they’re also […]

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April 17, 2019
How to Make Cannabis Tea

You can make tea almost out of everything, including cannabis. However, just pouring a couple of buds with hot water won't result in tea that provides a wide variety of medicinal and psychoactive effects that cannabis usually offers. There are multiple ways how to make cannabis tea but in this blog post, we're going to […]

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March 21, 2019
Is Flying With Marijuana Allowed?

More and more countries and states are legalizing marijuana for either medical or recreational use. Therefore, the question arises: is flying with marijuana allowed? Is it okay to pack a few joints with you or will a joint put you in a joint? Who or which laws determine this? TSA Searches for Threats to Aviation […]

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February 7, 2019
Best Coffeeshops in Amsterdam

Regardless of whether you live in Amsterdam or you're just visiting the city, finding a good coffeeshop among so many (more than 250) can be quite difficult. To ease your struggle and to make sure you'll have a great experience we prepared a list of best coffeeshops in Amsterdam based on our opinion. 1. Boerejongens […]

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January 24, 2019
Stoner Music: 5 Classics to Listen to When You Are High

It’s easy Sunday evening. You’ve done your choirs and now you have time for yourself. You lay down on your comfortable sofa, light one up and relax. But something is missing – a good music. And not everything is appropriate to listen to when you’re blazed. Having troubles picking the right stoner music? No worries, High […]

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January 17, 2019
More People Are Suffering From Cannabis Use Disorder

With the rise of countries and states legalizing marijuana, its’ utilization has increased simultaneously. And even though marijuana is less addictive than any other drug, some people still develop dependency. So, it’s not a surprise that the number of people suffering from cannabis use disorder has increased as well. Based on a recent study, 9% […]

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December 28, 2018
New Year, New Stoner's Resolutions

Once again, we're saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming a new one. And like any other year, individuals all around the globe, make a list of things they're determined to do or stop doing in the new year (if we stick to the list it or not it's another story). So, it's time […]

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December 20, 2018
First Time to The Cannabis Dispensary

If it is your first time going to a dispensary, keep on reading and check out how to prepare yourself for the trip to the dispensary and how you will pick weed or edibles and follow their guidelines for the best customer. Are you still a little shy? You can buy cannabis legally online too. […]

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